Sat, Aug 24, 2024    9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
MfT Deliveries & Pickups
Public -by Fred Schulze  |  Missions for Transitions - Deliveries

Candy Schulze is organizing & leading this event. Here's an update. More help is needed. We now have 4 deliveries - all full loads of furniture & supplies. There are also 2 small donation pickups. We will be doing the pickups first since we may need the donated items for the deliveries. (It's possible that some of the donated items may be passed on to the flea market.) We already have 2 trailers for the pickups and deliveries; an additional trailer will be helpful. We definitely need a few more strong backs to help with the heavy lifting. Pulling furniture & household items for the deliveries will begin at 9:30am at the MfT containers. The pickups will be done earlier; we have enough volunteers for that. The folks helpng with the pickups will meet at 9am somewhere at the St. Joe's gym parking lot where a trailer will be parked. Note that St. Joe's school is having a car wash in the parking lot on Saturday morning, so I don't know exactly where the trailer will be parked. Also note that Ray Nielson will be around taking photos of us working for an upcoming missions promotion.  For questions, please feel free to call or text Fred Schulze at 214-207-5320.  Thank you! 

MfT volunteer
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
11 / 12
signed up
Organizer Info
Candy Schulze
 St. Joseph Flea Market
1313 College Ave
Conway, AR 72032
Need Reminders? If you sign up, we will send you an email or SMS text message reminder around 23 hours before your sign-up.